Arkwright Primary School

Arkwright Ambassadors

As part of our commitment towards the personal development of all of our pupils and the desire to further develop our core value of RESPONSIBILITY, we have numerous Ambassador roles within school.  


Arkwright School Council

Our School Councillors are led by Mrs Rowland and meet regularly to represent their fellow pupils and discuss ways to make our school even better!  This year our fantastic team have started our school newspaper- The Arkwright Article.



This year we have introduced our iVengers to support with online safety.  So far we have completed our 'Turn off and Tune in' challenge.  Lots of our pupils have managed to successfully spend over 30mins screen-free time before bed.  The team are looking forward to raising more awareness about keeping safe online in the spring term. Check out our Computing page for more information on what we have been up to.


STEM Ambassadors

We are passionate about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths at Arkwright.  As such, we have a brilliant team of dedicated pupils who are keen to lead on exciting initiatives and challenges within school.  This includes:  Science Day challenges, arranging trips to places such as Magna and local cluster events.



At Arkwright we have a fabulous library to enthuse and excite our pupils.  We're a school that loves reading and we love to showcase this.  Our librarians do a wonderful job of arranging displays, promoting books, creating themed events to raise the profile of reading.  Not only this, but many of our older librarians support our younger readers by modelling and supporting their fluency on a daily basis through buddy reading.