Arkwright Primary School


SEND Information


At Arkwright Primary School we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment where every member of our school community is valued and respected.

Our broad and balanced, creative curriculum and enrichment activities provide opportunities for everyone to achieve and succeed. We celebrate the achievements of all our children, irrespective of individual differences within the protected categories of the Equality Act 2010.

What kinds of special needs are provided for in this school/setting?

Arkwright Primary School endeavours to meet the special needs of all children in our setting. The school currently supports children with a range of special educational needs including autism, speech and language delay, global delay, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and social, emotional, and mental health difficulties.

Who is involved?
All members of the school community are involved in the education and development of our pupils with special educational needs. When necessary, whilst working in partnership with the parents, the school may request outside support from external agencies to help guide the care that we can provide.

How do you identify children who may have special educational needs?
At Arkwright, special educational needs are identified through a consistent, whole
school approach to assessing, monitoring and reviewing the progression of all pupils.  This is achieved through a triangulation approach, which is fundamental to pupil progress, attainment and behaviour.

❖ Children entering our nursery are screened using a baseline assessment.
❖ Thorough and individualized assessments of children, including: observation, daily            feedback and a multitude of summative assessments are conducted.
❖ Communication and consultations with all stakeholders, including Pupil progress meetings and discussions every half term; Parent meetings; target setting with children and Early Years Foundation stage from which we monitor and identify children who are not making expected national progress.
❖ First-quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised, in conjunction with interventions and support programmes are implemented and monitored to ensure that the child makes accelerated progress.

What provision is made for children with SEND; with and without an EHC Plan-in respect of:

a) How is the intervention/support monitored as to its effectiveness?

When a child takes part within small group sessions or intervention groups, their progress will be monitored to measure the impact which this is having upon the child’s learning. This will be shared with the parents/carer during meetings where necessary. If a child is not responding effectively to intervention, i.e. if there is no change in their progress, groups will be revised and new methods considered, where appropriate. This will be up-dated on an intervention or personal provision map.

b) What is the schools approach to teaching children with SEN?

We are a fully inclusive school, which ensures that all pupils achieve to their full potential, this is achieved through high quality teaching, differentiation, and small group work or through 1 to1 teaching where necessary.

c) How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with SEN?

The curriculum and teaching sequences are adapted to meet the needs of the individual through an innovative teaching model, which provides high quality teaching and learning through adaptive teaching and learning scaffolds.  The school takes all reasonable steps to modify/adapt the learning environment to meet the individual needs of all our children.

d) What additional support is available for children with SEN?

The school provides various interventions/support that meet the individual needs of the children.   Children who may require higher levels of support have access to appropriately trained support staff.

f) What support is available for ensuring the emotional and social development of pupils with SEN? 

Our school has a designated staff member, who offers support to both parents and children regarding their social and emotional well-being. Teachers can suggest that a child spends some informal time chatting and sharing feelings with Miss Stevenson, which allows the child some time to focus holistically on their wellbeing, as well as considering their academic achievements. In addition, children pastoral groups and nurture provisions are also available.

Who is the named SEND contact?           

Mrs Lauren Wallace is our Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). Our Governor Lead for SEND is Hayley Spark.  If you would like to talk to the SENCO then you can phone the school office and arrange a meeting.


What skills do the staff have to meet the needs of my child?

All staff at our school are supported through continuing professional development and the day to day provision is overseen and supported by the school SENCO. Key messages and essential information are communicated and shared through regular meetings regarding key pupils, intervention strategies, and relevant research and policies. We are committed to ensuring that staff are trained to meet the needs of pupils with additional needs and their knowledge is updated when necessary. All good practice is shared, and Headteacher give's regular support through team teaching, coaching and monitoring.

How will you find out more about what my child needs?

At Arkwright, we believe strong relationships between parents/carers, the pupil and the
school are paramount to the success in helping pupils achieve their full potential. Therefore, we will work closely with parents/carers to identify specific needs and actively encourage parents to be partners in their child’s education through, informal discussions, telephone contact, My SEN Learning programme and provision map discussions, progress reviews and yearly written reports. Furthermore, we offer Target Review days for parents, with the child’s class teacher and an open-door policy is available: encouraging a collaborative approach to the educational needs of the child.

How will you support my child to have their views heard?

All children, regardless of SEND, are encouraged to express their opinion. Children who have additional needs have targets, which are shared, discussed and worked upon with the child, parents, external agencies (where necessary) and those members of staff who are providing their additional support.

How does the school work with other partner agencies to meet the needs of children with SEN and support their families?

In order to meet the individual needs of a child, the school will work with and seek advice from a wide range of external support agencies. Parental permission is always gained prior to other professionals becoming involved in the education of their child. The school works closely with other agencies and regards them, as being part of a working relationship, whose aim is to provide an integrated, high quality, holistic support focusing on the need of the individual. The following services/agencies are currently available or have previously been involved with the school:

➢ Educational Psychologist (Max Deveraux and Ellen Manley)
➢ Local Inclusion Officer (Kirsty Sharp)
➢ Learning Support Service (ISAT) (Wendy Meaker)
➢ Physically Impaired support service (PI)
➢ Hearing Impaired support services (HI)
➢ Visually Impaired support service (VI)
➢ Speech and Language (SLT)
➢ Social Services
➢ Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
➢ Occupational Therapy (OT)
➢ Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service (DIASS)

What are the school’s arrangements for supporting children with SEND in transferring between phases of education?

The transition points that occur throughout a child’s academic life can often prove unsettling. To ensure these key transitions are made as smooth and stress free as possibly, we proactively plan and share information between all agencies involved, with active consent from both the child and their parents/carers. These include:

❖ Consultations with parents/carers in how we can best meet the emotional
    needs of the child. 

❖ Consultation with teaching staff, support staff and other lead professionals as to
     how we can best support the academic, medical and social needs of the child.

❖ Opportunities for the child and parent to have supported visits to the new

Where can I or my child get further help, information and support?

Derbyshire County Council’s website contains the Local Offer, which has significant information on extra support and is regularly updated. You can find the link here: › schools › special-educational-needs › send

Our 2024 SEN Information Report can be found HERE

Who can I contact for further information?

If you have concerns regarding your child, the first point of contact is your child’s class teacher. If you have any concerns surrounding SEND, the class teacher may refer you (sometimes along with themselves) to the school SENCO. Contact can be made by phoning or dropping into the school office. Alternatively, if you feel these issues need to be discussed with the Headteacher, Mr Roberts, then again, an appointment can be arranged by contacting the school office. If a concern cannot by resolved within school, any complaints should be made in writing and sent to the Chair of Governing Body. As part of our open-door policy, parents can talk to school at any time about any activities that happen at school. We hope you feel that we are inclusive and appreciate your comments at all times.


SEN Policy

*This SEND Information page is updated annually to comply with current guidance and legislation.